New location: Russia 🇷🇺

We are happy to announce that you can connect to the Russia location!
The location is already available in our apps, or you can download its profile if you set up the connection manually.

Location is implemented using Double VPN technology.
This means that you connect to servers in one of the countries with laws protecting the privacy of users, then through an encrypted tunnel the traffic is directed to a server in the country of the location, which goes to the Internet.
This allows us to protect your IP address from tracking if traffic is intercepted directly from the server in the country of location.

We select the most reliable and secure data centers for our servers to provide the best service for you.
The AmnesiaWG protocol is now available!
Red Shield VPN now supports the AmnesiaWG protocol.
AmneziaWG is an open source fork of the Wireguard protocol that is resistant to DPI detection and blocking.
You can get the AmneziaWG configuration in the Personal Area and set up a VPN connection using the AmneziaWG apps for Android, iOS, macOS, KeeneticOS, and other platforms and devices supported by the developers and the community.

AmneziaWG is also already available in the Red Shield VPN app for iOS and will soon appear in apps for other platforms.